Troubleshooting exercise

Chapter 1: Start the genset

You need to connect to the genset controller first.

To start the genset from the utility software you need to use the Commands panel, Normally you would use the display start button.

The Commands panel allows you the possibility to operate the genset function such as start, stop, open and close breakers.

Try and hit the Start Engine button.

Pay attention to the Device page, can you see any changes

So, it’s not possible to start the genset for some reason.

Check the Device page if you can see any indication of why the genset would not start

As you properly saw, the genset is block for start

Now it’s up to you to find out why the genset has the status DG BLOCKED FOR START

Start with a quick browse through the different tabs in the Utility software so you get an overview of the situations.

Are there any alarms present?

Are there any I/Os missing that should be there?

Copyright © Alle rettigheder forbeholdes